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AboutIntroducing EnbrelHeritage of EnbrelEMA approvalsTherapeutic IndicationsRheumatoid arthritisJuvenile idiopathic arthritisPsoriatic arthritisAxial spondyloarthritisPsoriasis & paediatric psoriasisMechanism of actionMechanism of actionHalf-lifeDosingDosingRheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis & axial spondyloarthritisJuvenile idiopathic arthritisPsoriasisPaediatric PsoriasisAdministration & storageAdministrationMYCLIC®StorageEfficacy & SafetyEfficacyRapid effectivenessSustained effectivenessEffectiveness with monotherapy or combination therapySafetyTolerability across indicationsImportant safety informationImmunogenicityImmunogenicity & clinical responseImmunogenicity & Enbrel®Experience & InsightsManufacturingManufacturingPatient storiesPatient stories: rheumatoid arthritisPatient with an increased risk of serious infectionsMTX-IR patientPatient who is considering starting a familyElderly-onset RA patientYoung patient worried about the lifelong impact of RAYoung patient worried about treatments that lose effectiveness over timePatient stories: juvenile idiopathic arthritisVery young patientPatient moving from childhood to adulthoodPatient stories: axial spondyloarthritisAS patient with heel enthesitisnr-axSpA patientAS patient with functional limitationsAdvanced AS patientPatient stories: psoriatic arthritis & psoriasisPso patient with severe symptoms Pso patient with cyclical symptoms PsA patient with metabolic syndromePsA patient with multiple skin and joint symptomsSupport your patientsSupport your patientsUsing Enbrel®
The Enbrel® MYCLIC® 
All the benefits of Enbrel at the click of a button1
Associated with greater independence2-5

Self-administration of Enbrel increased from 66% with the pre-filled syringe to 93% with MYCLIC*2

Easier to use2

93% of patients found MYCLIC easier to use than the pre-filled syringe*2​​​​​​​

Better tolerated2

Pain on injection was significantly reduced with mean VAS scores of 1.77 for MYCLIC vs 2.91 for the Enbrel pre-filled syringe (p<0.001)*2

Preferred by patients2

94.2% of patients chose MYCLIC over the pre-filled syringe as their preferred delivery device*2

Among 104 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (56%), psoriatic arthritis (30%) or ankylosing spondylitis (14%) who were switched from the Enbrel 50 mg pre-filled syringe to the MYCLIC Auto-injector. Patients answered questions during an interview 2 months after switching.2VAS: Visual analogue scale.​​​​​​​
Enbrel®(etanercept) 25mg PFS, 50 mg PFS and 50 mg PFP. [Summary of Product Characteristics]. May 2021 for Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, and Bahrain. Enbrel® (etanercept) 25 mg PFS and 50 mg PFS. [Summary of Product Characteristics]. May 2021 for Oman.Borrás-Blasco J, et al. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2013;13:1103-8.Malm K, et al. SAGE Open Medicine. 2017;5:1-8. Boeri M, et al. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2019;13:1093-110.Larsson I, et al. Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being. 2010;5. DOI: 10.3402/qhw.v5i2.5146.
Administration & storage

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i- The product information provided in this site is intended only for Healthcare Professionals of UAE. The products discussed herein may have different product labeling in different countries.


ii- The information provided on this website is intended only for healthcare professionals of UAE.